Opracowanie nowatorskiej metody biokonwersji zanieczyszczeń biogazu w obecności tlenowych form azotu w skali przemysłowej




















            We inform with great pleasure that since 1st October 2009 in the Institute of Fermentation Technology and Microbiology (IFTM) at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of the Technical University of Lodz (TUL) it has been realized a research project entitled “The development of modern method of biogas contaminants bioconversion in the presence of oxygenated derivatives of nitrogen in industrial scale”, within the scope of Operation Programme Innovative Economy, years 2007-2013, Priority 1: Research and development of modern technologies, Activity 1.3 Support of R+D projects for the industry realized by research institutions, Sub-activity 1.3.1 Development projects.

            The project is realized by the research-industry consortium including TUL and the Group Wastewater Purification Plant Ltd. in Lodz.


Contract number: UDA-POIG.01.03.01-10-196/09-00


The overall project value: 3 513 160.00 PLN


From European Union: 2 986 186.00 PLN (85%)


From Polish government: 526 974.00 PLN (15%)


            The project will be realized till 31 March 2013. During this time the scale of this R+D project will be increased from the laboratory to industrial scale. The project aims at 99-100% reduction of selected biogas contaminants resulting in the similar composition of the biogas and earth gas an in consequence, in the usage of biogas as a good quality fuel.


            Successful results of our investigations will give rise to the development and patenting of innovative technology of biogas clean-up and offering it to the producers of this biofuel. The implementation of this technology will reduce costs of energy production from biogas and will make it more environmentally-friendly.


            Application of this technology will increase the share of renewable energy resources in the overall energetic balance in Poland and concomitantly will decrease amounts of imported energetic fuels and improve energetic safety of Poland.



About the project


            The Project is a continuation of a series of research projects conducted since 1996 by researchers from the Institute of Fermentation Technology and Microbiology of TUL (IFTM TUL). These projects aimed at isolation and selection of microorganisms biodegrading selected contaminants including those present in the biogas. Based on resulting knowledge about microorganisms that are most active against the pollutants and optimal process conditions an efficient technology of biogas clean-up (from sulfur and nitrogen compounds and carbon dioxide) in industrial scale will be developed.


            Cooperation with partners from industry (including also Polfa Tarchomin, Wastewater Purification Plant in Zgierz and other) provided evidence of the interest in technologies based on biotechnological methods of biogas purification and caused that we decided to start this project. It was found that pollutants present in the biogas drastically reduce the scale of this ecological fuel usage by its producers, processing plants and final users. The group from TUL who was the initiator of the project was joined by another partner of the R+D consortium realized within the scope of Action 1.3.1 PO IG such as the Group Wastewater Purification Plant (GWPP) in Lodz Ltd. Both partners prepared the final version of the project.


            The project aims at the development of a modern method of biogas pollutants bioconversion in the presence of oxygenated derivatives of nitrogen in industrial scale. The whole R+D process, from laboratory to industrial scale will be accomplished. This process is oriented on the needs of biogas market and therefore its results will be patented and offered at the market as a licence. We intend to achieve 99-100% reduction of contaminants in the biogas making its parameters comparable to earth gas. Realization of planned experiments requires purchasing of additional equipment.


            IFTM TUL and GWPP signed the partner agreement (research-industry consortium) which describes in detail the aim of the cooperation, rights and duties of the partners, and the rules of management. Realization of this agreement enables realization of the project and expected results. The leader and initiator of this project is IFTM TUL while GWPP is the Partner.


Realization of tasks of this project will yield the following social and economic profits:

·         the biogas clean-up technology meets demands from companies involved in energy production from renewable resources,

·         the project stimulates economic development in areas that are strategic for the improvement of the competitiveness of Polish economy on the global market,

·         utilization of the high potential of Lodz and Polish researchers in order to increase the competitiveness of Polish economy in international scale,

·         promotion of a partner model of cooperation between academia and business,

·         positive impact on the environment and local society that will benefit from the patented technology.


            The direct objective of this project is a study, which is necessary to develop the modern method of bioconversion of biogas pollutants in the presence of oxygenated nitrogen derivatives in industrial scale.

This direct objective is connected with general project objectives including:

·         economic development based on innovative technologies,

·         the improvement of the competitiveness of science and its role in economical development.


            Realization of this project will contribute to the development of modern and very efficient technology of biogas purification based on biotechnological methods. This in turn will increase the role of science – through innovative technologies in stimulation of economic development.


            Realization of the project will increase the role of biogas in production of heat and electric energy. Therefore, it will increase participation of renewable resources in the overall production of energy thereby positively affecting the natural environment and human life quality.


            Successful realization of the project will bring about real economic benefits not only for the Polish business but also for the whole society.

The cooperation between academia and industry within the scope of this project will be a good example for further development of this cooperation model and in consequence it will increase the level of innovative activities of Polish companies and the competitiveness of Polish science.




O projekcie







Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego